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展覽名稱: 2016澳洲國家製造展 (NMW)
參展日期: 2016年5月11-13日
參展時間:  5月 11日, 10am-6pm / 5月 12日, 10am-8pm / 5月 13日, 10am-4pm
參展地點: 澳洲雪梨 奧林匹克展覽中心
展位: 1516
啟鑫科技將參加2016澳洲國家製造展 (NMW),本展為澳洲最大型的製造業國際展覽會,每年分別於雪梨及墨爾本兩地輪流舉辦,不僅為澳洲最大規模展會,也是大洋洲最重要的展覽會。

National Manufacturing Week (NMW) is an annual trade show, in alternation with Melbourne. In 2016, NMW is held at venue Sydney showground, Olympic Park. NMW Offers a unique opportunity for suppliers of manufacturing technology equipment, technology and services to showcase their innovative and internationally leading products to senior decision-makers and specialists from Australia's manufacturing industry. Seize the opportunity to meet PYRAMIDS at NMW 2016!


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