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展覽名稱: 2016英國工業零組件展 (Subcon)
參展日期: 2016年6月7-9日
參展時間:  6月 7日, 9:30am-4:30pm / 6月 8日, 9:30am-4:30pm / 6月 9日, 9:30am-4pm
參展地點: 英國 伯明翰 國家展覽中心 (Hall 4, NEC)
展位: F83
啟鑫科技將參加2016英國工業零組件展 (Subcon),本展為第32屆英國國際工業代工轉包展,亦是英國唯一工業轉包服務展。
SUBCON is the UK’s leading exhibition of its kind dedicated solely to contract and subcontract manufacturing, and is a key platform for the best outsourced engineering services. From component suppliers and precision engineers, services provided at the show covers everything from fabrications, metal forming, plastic molding, electronics, assembly to finishing, software, materials, supply chain and industry services. Seize the opportunity to meet PYRAMIDS at SUBCON 2016!


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